Friday, March 26, 2010

Easter Break

We will dismiss at 12:30pm on Thursday, April 1. There is no school on Friday, April 2 or Monday, April 5.
Happy Easter!


Reminder: I do not have email access right now. If you need to get a hold of me, please call me or send a note to school. Thanks!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


I need to make a correction to my previous post. THe kids will NOT be filling in their behavior checklists this week. Thanks.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Absent 3/11 & 3/12

I will be attending a conference in Jeff City all day on Thursday, March 11 and another conference all day in Tan-Tar-A on Friday, March 12. There will be a substitute teacher both days. I will still update the blog and they will still fill in behavior checklists Friday. Thanks!

2pm Dismissal

We have a 2pm dismissal on Monday, March 8. This is a free dress code day.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Baptism artifacts

Thanks for sending in pictures/candles for the children to share about baptisms. They enjoyed sharing and I appreciate you sending them in. We didn't get to a couple of them, so I will return the pictures/candles on Monday. If you didn't get a chance to send anything in, you can still do that on Monday.

New behavior checklist

We have started a new behavior checklist to help us reflect on our own behavior. I sent out an e-mail regarding this. Please look for the behavior checklist in this week's Friday Folders. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Who does this tooth belong to???

I brought in a tooth from a cow that my husband found on our farm. February was dental health month so I thought it would be fun to show the kids. We examined the tooth and came up with some guesses. They really had fun with it. We had guesses of a skunk (yuck!), bear, tiger, lion, leopard, deer, lamb, cow and horse. We discussed why some of the guesses might be a little hard to find in Boonville. :) We also discussed the health of the tooth (icky!) I guess cows don't brush and floss like they should! LOL! It was a lot of fun!

Spanish word of the day

Our Spanish word of the day was La Escuela which means school. We started our cultures unit and we started with Mexico. Taylor brought in some "pesos" that her parents brought home from a trip to Mexico. We will learn some new words tomorrow!